Home > Living > STRONG ANIMAL

Rhino Matt Blcak
Namecard holder
One of the STRONG ANIMAL collection called 'Rhino' is
a desk objet that can be utilized to keep business cards and
simple memos. Each product of the collection has its own
motives and play a role based on animals' characteristics
at your desks. Wherever this collection is placed,
it will be just like a grassland.
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More Information
The main body is coated by black powder. The horn that is feature
for every animals, is made with polished metal. It delivers strong feeling
by the name to users because it is much heavier compared to the size.
Form a small grassland for yourself by gathering this collections
Designed by Lee Jinwook
Product Details
Product number | 001
Material | Black powder coated / Polished metal
Measurements | D 115 W 115 H 115 (mm) / Rad 115 (mm) / 1.5 L
Collection | STRONG ANIMAL / Living
Press Release | Spec Sheet | High Res Images
Collection of 2020
STRONG ANIMAL is a desk object collection got inspiration
from powerful animals. Each animal's characteristics can be
implemented as a function in the product to make it feel like
alive stationaries.
By Lee Jinwook